During most weeks, the AgEconMT crew reads a lot of news, interacts with lots of people, and learns a lot. While we’re not able to report on and provide analyses on all of those things, we want to share at least a few items that we found to be particularly interesting and useful for the northern Great Plains agricultural sector during the past week.
Building demand [is the]focus of wheat gathering (AgJournal): “‘We are pretty much locked out of the Middle East and North Africa today,'” said Vince Peterson, new president of U.S. Wheat Associates. ‘But we’re offsetting that with gains in other areas of the world, most notably Latin America and Eastern and Southern Asia. We’re gaining market share in our own hemisphere, and that trade-off is working to our advantage.'”
Water infrastructure bill is a win for America (American Journal of Transportation): The House of Representatives today approved comprehensive water resources infrastructure legislation that addresses the needs of America’s harbors, locks, dams, flood protection, and other water resources infrastructure.
Premiums Rise as Supplies of High Protein Wheat Fall (US Wheat Associates): High protein wheat supply and demand factors are driving the growing premium between the Minneapolis Grain Exchange (MGEX), which trades hard red spring (HRS), and the Chicago Board of Trade (CBOT) and Kansas City Board of Trade (KCBT), which trade soft red winter (SRW) and hard red winter (HRW), respectively. Last December the intermarket spread between MGEX and KCBT averaged 36 cents. Fast forward to this December, and the MGEX to KCBT spread averages $1.47.
Notice anything we’ve missed and that could be interesting to others like you? Let us know and we’ll add it!
(Photo by NS Newsflash is licensed under CC BY 4.0)