This website is maintained by faculty and extension specialists in the Department of Agricultural Economics and Economics at Montana State University. Our primary objective is to provide timely and relevant information that will enable agricultural producers in the northern Great Plains to better understand the economic issues that affect their businesses and communities.
Our goals are to provide a consistent source of objective analyses and discussions; review and describe current research in the department; summarize findings and implications of other relevant studies and reports; and announce upcoming events, educational tools, and other resources.
We encourage you to share our discussions, analyses, and posts with others in your digital networks. We ask that you follow three guidelines when re-posting items from this website:
- Include the title and link to the post so that it is easy to locate the original source.
- Include the authors’ name(s), professional title(s), and affiliation(s) (Montana State University).
- If you use graphs or tables from a post, please appropriately cite these back to the original source.
Additionally, your comments and suggestions are helpful and will allow us to better know what information and future topics would be most useful to you. Through our informational activities and your participation and feedback, we hope to create a community of information sharing that provides widespread benefits for the northern Great Plains agricultural and rural communities.
Everyone on our team thanks you for visiting AGECONMT and hope to hear from you.